Monthly Archives: March 2015

The Portuguese bouquet: about the most popular wines

The Portuguese bouquet: about the most popular wines

Portugal is known for a bunch of things, among which the sweet, intoxicating taste of its beverages, so today we sample the Portuguese bouquet: about the most popular wines, books could be written.

5 Best Museums in Lisbon

5 Best Museums in Lisbon

Boasting with a history dating back to ancient times, the proud city of Lisbon lures the visitor to delve deeper into its mysteries by visiting a selection of wonderful cultural institutions. Here is what we would recommend as the 5 Best Museums in Lisbon:

5 Best Parks in Lisbon

5 Best Parks in Lisbon

There is nothing better than being outdoors on a lovely, spring day, with the sun bathing your face and the wind slowly caressing your skin. Lisbon just might top the absolute best places to be when you wish to enjoy such an unmitigated delight.