Experience the most beautiful moments in Lisbon!

Experience the most beautiful moments in Lisbon!

1. Belém Tower (Torre de Belém) Perched on the bank of the Tagus River, this landmark 16th-century tower is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Originally built as a fortification to More »

Top things to do in Lisbon 2023!

Top things to do in Lisbon 2023!

Lisbon is a beloved capital city in Europe, and there are so many things to do there that you can genuinely pick your very own experience. Lisbon has so much to offer More »

Top 5 festivals and events in Lisbon and surroundings- August 2022

Top 5 festivals and events in Lisbon and surroundings- August 2022

Lisbon, Portugal’s capital and largest city, is unique compared to other capitals, yet this distinction has never been formally acknowledged. Located by the Mediterranean, the area has seen a number of invasions, More »

Lisbon’s free tourist attractions

Lisbon’s free tourist attractions

  Sometimes we travel low cost. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this and a lot of people do this simply because they need a vacation, so here are some of Lisbon’s More »

The Azulejos Museum, a trip into the heart of Portugal

The Azulejos Museum, a trip into the heart of Portugal

  Following a trip to Lisbon, you really feel you want to share so much about what you have seen there. So in this train of thought, I suggest we take a More »


The best June 2015 events in Lisbon

The best June 2015 events in Lisbon

Lisbon is wonderful in all seasons, but by far the most beautiful of them all is summer, with its sweet aroma and its endless sunny days. So here we have it: all the more reasons to come to the capital city of Portugal for the best June 2015 events in Lisbon.

What to visit near Lisbon, Leiria

What to visit near Lisbon Leiria

We often get this question from people who have already become addicted to the beauty and magic of Lisbon city. What to visit near Lisbon, Leiria is today’s suggestion.

Plan a Coimbra mini-vacation this May

Plan a Coimbra mini-vacation this May

The second month of spring has almost gone by and the whole world is making preparations for the 1st of May. Quite paradoxically, the International Labour Day is celebrated with… a day off, so this gives you the opportunity to plan a Coimbra mini-vacation this May.

Portuguese Legends

Portuguese Legends

Today, Portugal is widely regarded as a quiet place of vacation, a spot with warm weather, beaches and the wide blue waters of the Atlantic. But, as is the case with most European countries and with Indo-European cultures, Portugal has stories to tell. How about a discussion about the most popular Portuguese Legends?

The Portuguese bouquet: about the most popular wines

The Portuguese bouquet: about the most popular wines

Portugal is known for a bunch of things, among which the sweet, intoxicating taste of its beverages, so today we sample the Portuguese bouquet: about the most popular wines, books could be written.

5 Best Museums in Lisbon

5 Best Museums in Lisbon

Boasting with a history dating back to ancient times, the proud city of Lisbon lures the visitor to delve deeper into its mysteries by visiting a selection of wonderful cultural institutions. Here is what we would recommend as the 5 Best Museums in Lisbon:

5 Best Parks in Lisbon

5 Best Parks in Lisbon

There is nothing better than being outdoors on a lovely, spring day, with the sun bathing your face and the wind slowly caressing your skin. Lisbon just might top the absolute best places to be when you wish to enjoy such an unmitigated delight.

March 2015 events in Lisbon

March 2015 events in Lisbon

March is a beautiful time of renewal and optimism, a time of sun and parties and a time that is worth celebrating and spending someplace great. The best March 2015 events in Lisbon might give you a few good reasons to come visit the beautiful capital city of Portugal.

Symbols of Portugal

Symbols of Portugal

A country is defined by more than its name, by more than its GDP, by more than its geography and even, by more than its history; rather, it is the symbols that make some make sense of “what” and “who” a country is nowadays. The symbols of Portugal talk of a proud, diverse and also fun nation with wonderful people.

5 Reasons to spend Valentine’s Day in Lisbon

5 Reasons to spend Valentine’s Day in Lisbon

One must come to Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal at least once in a lifetime, simply because the experience is absolutely enriching. As you walk the streets full of history and melancholy, you will slowly drift into the intimate atmosphere of the place and never want to leave.